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We are acutely aware of our role as brand custodian to our clients which drives our passion for ethical principles and practices.

We are committed to providing manufacturing quality assurances which fully comply with our own and our customer’s standards and we look to continually improve in this area. We will always be prepared to stand up and address the issues which global textile production challenges us with on a daily basis.

We recognise that overseas sourcing of fabric and garments will lead to substantial benefits to our clients, but we are also extremely conscious of the potential social impacts offshore supply can have. For this reason, we regularly monitor and audit our supply partners through rigorous programmes, and our senior team undertake regular site visits. As well as our audit programmes, our suppliers are independently audited and furthermore, we regularly partner with our clients on any reasonable audits they wish to undertake at our sites.

Please refer to our ETI and SEDEX pages to find out more about our relationships with these organisations.

Modern Slavery Statement

We recognise that the health and welfare of all employees, external stakeholders, suppliers and the wider community is of paramount importance in the successful conduct of our business. Our statement has been written and published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It details our approach and strategy to ensure we implement the right policies and take robust corrective action when required.

NHS Supply Chain’s Labour Standards Assurance System (LSAS)

The NHS Supply Chain’s Labour Standards Assurance System (LSAS) outlines the principles and guidelines they require their suppliers to comply with, in order to ensure that good labour standards are driven throughout the supply chain. We have recently had an LSAS audit at our offices and are proud to advise that for each of the 15 modules we scored a level 4 which is the maximum score on all areas. We were informed that only one other supplier to the entire NHS, not all are specific to clothing, has scored 4’s across all of the requirements.
